Managing Problematic Anger in Stress, Trauma and PTSD

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If you are currently treating an emergency service worker from the agencies represented in Responder Assist a coupon code will be provided for free access to the course. Clinicians with an interest outside the scope of Responder Assist are invited to contact Phoenix Australia through this link to discuss access options.

Course summary

Problematic anger is a common experience in people exposed to negative life events, significant stressors and trauma. It is also a common presenting problem among emergency service members in the context of posttraumatic mental health problems.

Research suggests unresolved anger takes an enormous toll on those affected by it as well as their families, friends and colleagues. It seriously impacts health and wellbeing, affects the ability to access and engage with treatment and support services, and interferes with an individual’s recovery from posttraumatic mental health conditions.  

Problematic anger warrants direct intervention as an issue in its own right. Effective anger interventions are, therefore, a critical addition to a clinician’s intervention repertoire when working with police populations.  

Managing Problematic Anger has been developed by clinical experts to help you understand the best-practice techniques of assessment and treatment of individuals with problematic anger in trauma.

Course aims

The aims of this course are to: 

  • Describe problematic anger and its components, including how it relates to emergency service workers
  • Summarise current key understandings of the neurobiology of problematic anger
  • Discuss a prominent theoretical model for problematic anger in PTSD – The Cognitive Action Model
  • Highlight how problematic anger requires targeted assessment and intervention Introduce and describe assessment, formulation and evidence-based treatment for problematic anger in the context of PTSD
Course learning outcomes:

After taking this course practitioners will be able to:

  • Define anger and problematic anger
  • Assess problematic anger, and
  • Be aware of a range of Cognitive Behavioural skills that can be used in the treatment of problematic anger.
Managing Problematic Anger in Stress, Trauma and PTSD
Self-paced online
7.5 hours
AUD $412.50 (incl. GST)

For Organisations
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Level 3, 161 Barry Street

Carlton, VIC 3053, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9035 5599

Fax: +61 3 9035 5455